Beetroot Brownies

Recently, somebody sought me out on my Instagram account about this brownie recipe. I ran a food blog for 8 years, with this recipe being one of the first I created. This lovely individual had been making this brownie for all those years until about a year ago, when I decided to move on from that blog and took it down. She messaged me on Sunday Naturopathy to ask for the recipe, so off I went to try and find it.

After an hour or more of searching my files, I came to discover that the entire blog’s content still exists within my old Squarespace account. And so, since someone out there loves this recipe so much, I figured what better place to re-share it than here, in the Sunday Journal.

These brownies were the result of a trip to the farmers market where I overloaded on gorgeous organic beetroot. They're spongy yet chewy, easy to put together and especially delicious fresh from the oven. Cacao combined with the depth of beetroot results in a flavour to die for - the perfect balance between sweet and earthy. I adore the flavour of beetroot when it's used correctly, and the colour it gives to these brownies is incredible. By using the whole vegetable in these brownies, you get all of the health benefits and fibre of the whole food, rather than just what is left in the juice.

Every time I make these brownies, they have disappeared by the end of the day. Even if you think that you don't like beetroot, give these brownies a go. You might surprise yourself! 


Beets are an incredibly nutrient-dense food and have decent levels of folate, a nutrient that is particularly important for pregnant women due to its association with the prevention of neural tube defects. As you may have guessed from their brilliant colour, they are also antioxidant-rich and studies even suggest that their high levels of nitrates may enhance athletic performance by dilating blood vessels to allow for improved oxygen flow.

These brownies are...

  • Naturally gluten-free without the expected density,

  • Jam-packed with dietary fibre,

  • Sweet and earthy,

  • ... and require minimal ingredients.


Make time: 35 minutes
Cook time: 35 minutes
Makes: 9 slices
Equipment required: food processor, blender


- 1 cup buckwheat flour (160g)
- 2/3 cup raw cacao powder (65g)
- 1 cup coconut sugar (160g)
- 1 tsp baking powder
- 1/2 tsp Himalayan salt


2 medium beets, peeled and diced (420g)
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- 1/2 cup apple puree (130g)


  1. Preheat the oven to 180°C and put the diced beets in a steamer for 30 minutes.

  2. Meanwhile, blend the coconut sugar until ultra-fine, preferably in a high-speed blender - coconut sugar tends to be rather granular and blending it will give your brownies a better texture. Failing that, look for the finest coconut sugar you can and sift out the big lumps.

  3. Sift all of the dry ingredients into a large bowl and whisk them together. Once the beets are done, puree them in a food processor until they are fairly smooth and no lumps remain. Combine the beet puree with the other wet ingredients in a small bowl.

  4. Fold the wet ingredients through the dry ingredients until thoroughly combined. The mix should be thick but still easy to work with.

  5. Spread the mixture into a lined square brownie pan and bake in the preheated oven for 35 minutes. Allow the brownies to cool in the tin for 10 minutes before turning them out onto a wire rack to cool completely. Slice into 9 pieces and eat warm (30 seconds in the microwave or fresh from the oven) with a dollop of coconut yoghurt for maximum deliciousness!


Gemma is a fertility and women’s health naturopath in Auckland, New Zealand. She is a mother to 3-year-old Laura and an avid (perhaps slightly obsessive) cook. In her spare time, you’ll find her rummaging through her cookbook collection, hitting up local restaurants or pottering in the veggie garden.


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