Your Guide to Fertility Blood Tests

Fertility blood tests for females

If you’re on a fertility journey, you’ve probably had at least one blood test. Many clients come to me having had some basic tests, often without clear instructions on timing, which is crucial in the case of hormone testing.

Here’s an insight into the type of testing I may refer clients for when they come to me for help with their fertility (if they are open to blood tests, of course).

1. Hormone panel

Timing matters: Getting the timing of particular hormone tests right is important, as it will provide valuable insights into your hormonal health.

What it reveals: These tests can offer important information about your ovarian function, ovulation status, and potential issues like PCOS. It’s a tool that can help you (and your practitioner) better understand and support your fertility journey.

I order this test for clients because it gives me essential insight into their ovarian function and what needs to happen to improve it. Because your reproductive hormones change throughout your menstrual cycle, you’ll need two tests to look at different sets of hormones.

Why it’s helpful: One of my clients came to me with some existing blood test results that weren’t carried out at the optimal time in her menstrual cycle. She was also feeling very anxious about her fertility. We arranged for these tests to be repeated, and they revealed that her ovaries needed some support to function at their best. We put in place a clear plan that empowered her and significantly decreased her anxiety.

2) Metabolic assessment

Why it’s important: Metabolic health can significantly impact fertility. Testing for issues like insulin resistance can provide a clearer picture of your overall health and how it might be affecting your fertility.

What it reveals: These tests can reveal conditions like diabetes while hinting at things like your egg quality and miscarriage risk.

Client story: Julia (not her real name) discovered through testing that she had insulin resistance, which can cause irregular cycles and may be implicated in poor egg quality. Because we had this information, we were able to put a plan in place to support her metabolic health and increase her chances of conception.

3) Nutritional assessment

Why it’s important: The levels of nutrients in your blood can tell us an enormous amount about your overall health and fertility. I look at a range of nutrients in clinical practice, depending on the client’s needs.

What it reveals: Testing can reveal nutrient deficiencies (for example iron and iodine, which are important for conception and pregnancy) or suggest absorption issues.

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed and frustrated on your fertility journey?

Sunday Naturopathy’s comprehensive fertility consultations provide you with personalised insights into many aspects of your wellbeing, including hormonal health and nutritional needs, ensuring that you have a clear and actionable plan to assist you on your fertility journey. Clients often report feeling more informed, empowered, and supported, leading to better health outcomes.


Gemma is a women’s health & fertility naturopath and nutritionist in Auckland, New Zealand. She works with women from all walks of life throughout New Zealand and Australia and has a special interest in fertility, acne and women’s health. She is a mother to 4-year-old Laura and an avid (perhaps slightly obsessive) cook. In her spare time, you’ll find her rummaging through her cookbook collection, hitting up local restaurants or pottering in the veggie garden


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